Recovering the True Halloween | Exorcist Provides Tips for Safe and Holy Celebration —A Video by: St. Michael Center For Spiritual Renewal
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[“All Saints,” Fra Angelico, 1420s] The Solemnity of All Saints (November 1st) is a powerful, graced holy day on which we remember and honor all the holy souls who have gone to heaven, including the loved ones in our own families. While God is constantly gracing us, these special feasts are particularly graced in which…
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While demons mercilessly torture people if they can, it is they themselves who are constantly in torment. Some of their torment is external: the higher-ranking demons abuse and beat up the lower-ranking demons, and all demons live literally in a tortuous hell. But a greater torture comes from within. As I remind the demons during…
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In yesterday’s exorcism, the demons yelled: “Get that off of me!” It was a relic of Pope St. John Paul II. In fact, the entire Litany of the Saints was so powerful that we stayed with it for a long time. Demons also hate holy water and say it “burns.” They can’t stand priests; the…
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[“Casting out Satan,” Carl Bloch, 1834-1890] Some time ago, I was speaking with a young woman and I was encouraging her to go to Church. She said, “Why? I am a good person.” She added that she was confident she would go to heaven because she was good. In an exorcism, it is very clear…