[St. Margaret Mary Alacoque and the Sacred Heart of Jesus]
The demons continue to taunt “J” and the Team via texts. Sadly, a number of years ago “J” had an abortion. As one part of a long series of shaming messages, they said to the Team: “She would have been a wonderful mother but she killed her own baby.” And then, addressing “J” directly, they texted: “Don’t forget to sing your lullaby; your dead baby is burning down here with me.”
In addition, in the midst of a full manifestation, the demons made her relive her abortion both physically and emotionally. (Yes, they can affect a possessed person’s mind and body). I recall one gifted individual, who had the ability to hear demons, express her shock that demons have absolutely no compassion whatsoever. These texts support her experience. They are cruel!
It is also important to remember that demons are inveterate liars. We should not believe what the demons say about the eternal fate of such babies. We commend these babies and their mothers to the merciful heart of Our Savior. And we encourage mothers of aborted babies to pray for their children.
Satan and his minions try to shame everyone of us with our sins and failings. In this life, most of us “hear” this in mental self-accusations and the shame that clings to us, despite our being repentant and having our sins forgiven. At death, some have experienced the final onslaught of accusations and shaming by the Evil One. Satan may assault us with our sins and claim us as his own.
Our recourse, as always, is to the mercy of Our Savior. Jesus paid the price on the Cross. Let us focus our eyes on the Sacred Heart of Jesus, whose compassion and mercy drowns out the voice of evil. Because of his sacrifice, our sins are forgiven and we belong to him.
*Don’t miss our next free monthly deliverance session Monday Feb 19th. Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Register here or at: catholicexorcism.org/event-details/february-19th-online-deliverance-prayer-session/form
**Signup for our online Lenten Deliverance Retreat with Msgr. Rossetti. Saturday March 9th,11am -2pm Eastern USA time. Register here or register.gotowebinar.com/register/1381389462175786334
Scholarships readily available; send email to stmichaelcenter77@gmail.com
***Have you seen our “Pray With Me: Casting Out Demons of Infirmity“?
***Beware of scammers! There is someone posing as Msgr. Rossetti on social media and pirating our posts. Our site is msgr.rossetti (Instagram) and they are, at this moment, using msgr.rossetti32 (Instagram) but this keeps changing; Also on Tik Tok our site is: msgrrossetti with scammers using msgrrosseti, msgrrossetti11, msgrrossetti1, msgrrossetti18 (Tik Tok). Moreover, they have made an email address which looks like me but it is not (stephenjrossetti1@gmail.com) and they are contacting people asking for money for an orphanage in Africa. This is a scam. If you want to contribute to our ministry, go directly to our website and donate safely.