More Erotic Musings from Vatican Head of Doctrine — By: OnePeterFive

Warning: explicit material below.

I was reading the news this morning and my 7-year-old walked into the room.

I had to close the page because it included the cover of this book by Tucho “Heal Me with Your Mouth” Fernández.

That’s right, folks. More erotic musings from the man entrusted with doctrinal purity by Pope Francis.

The book is called La pasión mística: espiritualidad y sensualidad [Mystical Passion: Spirituality and Sensuality] and it was written three years after Heal Me with Your Mouth.

Diane Montagna said the book is “perverse & pornographic” and called chapters 7, 8, and 9 “too lewd & explicit to post” on Twitter. Lepanto called it “utterly pornographic, blasphemous, and sacrilegious!” Kwasniewski has described it as a “book of blasphemous nearly pornographic interpretations of the mystics and their spiritual experiences of ecstasy.”

With rave reviews like that, I don’t care to do my spiritual life the favour of actually reading this text, but let’s content ourselves with finding out what the titles of those three chapters are:

CHAPTER 7: Male and Female Orgasm

CHAPTER 8: The Road to Orgasm

CHAPTER 9: God in the Couple’s Orgasm

Well, that’s enough for me. If only I had a paper copy of the book and a bonfire at the ready. The only part I read was this section that Kwasniewski highlighted in red (not explicit):

… [This] does not mean, for example, that a homosexual will necessarily stop being homosexual. Let us remember that God’s grace can coexist with weaknesses and even with sins, when there is a very strong conditioning. In those cases, the person can do things that are objectively sinful, without being guilty, and without losing the grace of God or the experience of his love (emphasis added).

This Lutheran idea seems to be at the heart of so much controversy over sexual morals for years under this pontificate. Indeed, as Cardinal Müller confirmed, the Holy Office had a file with theological concerns on Fernández. As Kwasniewski comments:

That the same author was the ghostwriter of Amoris Laetitia (as demonstrated here; see also here) and the principal drafter of the responses to recent Dubia and of Fiducia Supplicans should surprise exactly no one.

Indeed. The question then becomes, how long has Bishop Bergoglio known about this book from his old buddy?

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