Exorcist Diary #302: Magdalene’s Powerful Presence in an Exorcism — By: St. Michael Center for Spiritual Renewal

[Anonymous, 2024, inspired by private revelations. Used with permission.]*

We have a few “go to”saints who are especially powerful in exorcisms. One of these is Mary Magdalene. We especially invoke her and apply her first class relic when the afflicted person has demons related to sexual sins. We often get a strong reaction from the demons.

It is noteworthy that Mary Magdalene has become a popular saint these days. Growing up I don’t recall ever heard her being mentioned. In retrospect, this was an oversight. Since has a prominent place in the Gospels with the life of Jesus and his disciples. She is mentioned by name over a dozen times. She was next to the Mother of Jesus on Calvary. She was the first to witness the resurrection of Christ and proclaimed it to the Apostles, thus she is rightly called, “Apostle to the Apostles.”

But we exorcists especially invoke her help in casting out demons. The Gospels state clearly that she was possessed by 7 demons and Jesus freed her (Lk 8:2). The number 7 in biblical times referred to a “fullness” or “completion.” One might then surmise that she was full of demons and completely possessed. So, she would be a “natural” for our ministry. Undoubtedly, she would have a special love and efficacy for those afflicted by demons.

In the early Church (see Pope Gregory the Great’s sermons), it was believed that this Mary of Magdala (i.e. Mary Magdalene) was also the same unnamed woman in the Scriptures who was a “sinful woman” (Lk 7:36) and who wiped Jesus’ feet with her tears and hair. More recent biblical scholars have questioned this. The fact that she is a powerful intercessor in exorcism cases involving sexual sins gives some support to the idea that her demons were a result of sexual sins.

In truth, we do not know for certain how she got the demons or if these different female figures in the Bible are the same person. Theories abound. But it is clear that Jesus freed her from being fully possessed and she belonged to Jesus’ inner circle. She was an important figure in the early Church, and she is resurfacing again in prominence. We are better off for it.

People of today can relate to a repentant sinner. Given that she rose to great sanctity gives us all hope. Perhaps what is of the greatest significance in her life is her love for Jesus. It was she who wept at his tomb (Jn 20:11). May St. Mary Magdalene intercede for us that we, too, might have a great love for Jesus.


*This image was inspired by private revelations communicated by the visionary to the artist (who wishes to remain anonymous). The visionary said Mary Magdalene appeared as a “tall, very elegant woman. She had long chestnut hair pulled over one shoulder and had eyes the color of honey. She was holding two anointing flasks in her right hand- it was she who anointed him, both at the house of the Pharisee and at her brother’s house. In the other hand, she was holding the linen cloth used to mop up the blood at the pillar after the scourging, with Mary.” Note: this is a private revelation so it is not official teaching but one can privately accept it if one wishes.

**Our next free monthly deliverance session this Monday September 16th.  Rosary at: 6:30pm Eastern USA time and Deliverance Session 7-8pm. Register here or go to our website and register: www.catholicexorcism.org (If you have already registered and received a link, no need to register again.)

***Join us on YouTube: @stmichaelcenter. See our short video on Mary Magdalene on youtube.

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