Catholic Bookstore Owner Challenges Jacksonville Law Requiring Use of Preferred Pronouns

While DeTrude only sells books and items that are consistent with her Catholic faith, she insists her store is open to anyone, regardless of their faith or lack thereof. “When it says ‘Catholic Store’ out front, that’s who we are. It’s not who we expect you to be,” DeTrude said.

But DeTrude has grown concerned recently about the flaring public debates around gender identity. Her belief, which is informed by her faith, is that biological sex is immutable, and that both men and women are created in God’s image and are worthy of dignity and respect.

DeTrude refuses to identify people by pronouns at odds with their biological sex, and she would like to make that official store policy and post it on her website, blog, and social-media accounts. But she believes doing so would run afoul of Jacksonville’s public-accommodations law. (Read More Here)