One of the most disturbing appointments to the College of Cardinals Pope Francis has made, among many, is the elevation of Robert McElroy of San Diego. Among the many horrible, virtually un-Catholic positions the recent cardinal has enunciated is one that has to do with the preposterous position that climate change is so bad that it actually claims more lives around the world each year than abortion.
For the record, according to the Guttmacher Institute, there are 73 million abortions worldwide every year. So where Cdl. McElroy is getting his number that more than 73 million people die every year from changes in the weather is a little dumbfounding — likely because it’s not true.
McElroy is notorious for skirting Church teaching in the area of sexual morality and has deemed it a worthy cause to promote “social justice” as more important than individual justice and charity.
Among his chief bothers is the constant change in the atmosphere that most normal people simply call “the weather.” For the bad cardinal, changing weather must be stopped and prevented in the future at all costs.
He, like Pope Francis, goes on to ascribe these atmospheric changes not to the normal course of the world’s changing environment, but specifically to man, especially America. Mean old bad nasty America.
He completely disregards hard scientific facts like increased volcanic activity on the ocean floor causing rising sea temps. For him, solar flares are nowhere near as much of a threat as driving your nonelectric vehicle is. But hey, don’t confuse the cardinal with actual science. That’s because the actual science simply explodes his world of substitute morality, where man and the earth are elevated over God, where the two greatest commandments are switched.
When that happens, the door is open to all sorts of shenanigans. And McElroy is one of the leading proponents of all this.
In truth, he and his kind hate the Church, and they hate America, at least as we have traditionally understood the nation, because, with all its many flaws, a free America at least gives the opportunity for the Faith to thrive. In a communist state, or one approaching it, the Faith is much more easily suffocated.
So the fight over America is nothing more than a proxy war for men like McElroy, whose real object of detestation is the Church and Her teachings. Think of Judas disingenuously rambling on about the poor. The “patron saint of social justice,” as Bp. Sheen styled him.
All of this makes the war for the soul of America a war we Catholics must be involved with. It’s why the Marxists began invading the halls of power of the Church a hundred years ago and have never let off the gas since.
The bishops have melded themselves almost entirely into the Democratic Party, if not explicitly for all of them, then by implication and quietly going along for most of them. Not for nothing did Ronald Reagan’s administration label the USCCB as “the Democratic Party at prayer,” sometimes referred to as “the democratic party in robes.”
So it cannot, by the wildest imaginings, come as a surprise that when it comes to the Green New Deal and environmental alarmism, the bishops, along with their fellow travelers on the religious Left, are standing right alongside the Democrats in pushing the lies about changes in the weather being caused by man. It’s just not true, none of it.
To help expose these lies, Church Militant is once again happy to organize our Deposit of Faith Coalition members to sponsor another press conference for politically conservative media so they can understand the connection here. We’ve attached the press release for you to see.
Presenting to the media on Tuesday, Nov. 14 — which will be at the Four Seasons Hotel in Baltimore, Maryland, during the bishops’ annual meeting — will be a number of the most highly respected experts ever assembled:
John Clauser, the 2022 Nobel Prize winner in physics, will debunk the phony science behind all this.
Marc Morano, a producer, writer and former investigative reporter for Rush Limbaugh, will blow the lid off the plot to collapse America’s energy, transportation and food supply.
Alex Newman is an award-winning international journalist who has covered this topic for years and the misinformation from the Left about it. Think Greta Thunberg and the media canonization of her.
And yours truly, a multiple Emmy award-winning investigative journalist, will also be presenting on the hierarchy’s complicity in all this.
The press conference will be available for everyone at home to watch live beginning at 1 p.m. Eastern time on Nov. 14. Please tell everyone you know. Spread the word.
Hands down, Church Militant is leading the charge with the Deposit of Faith Coalition in trying to roll back at least the funding the bishops get in all of this unethical activity, be it immigration or, in this case, environmental alarmism based on phony science.
As you know, we were in D.C. last week on the Hill interviewing congressmen who have had it with the “America last” agenda supported by the U.S. bishops. And now, once again, we are taking the fight right to the bishops’ doorstep. As the bishops meet and plot in the Marriott, directly across the street, at the exact same time, we will be broadcasting their lies with a Nobel Prize winner and respected journalist experts in all this.
So we’d like to appeal to you to help pay for all of this. It’s extremely costly to travel the crew, the equipment, set it all up, rent the facilities, bring in the speakers, as well as the three weeks of background research and man-hours we have already put into this. And the hard work hasn’t even begun yet.
The last press conference we sponsored in July in D.C. garnered more than 25 million media impressions as outlet after outlet kept publishing info from the press event, even Steve Bannon and InfoWars picking it all up — like Stew Peters picked up our work last week on Capitol Hill. Staffers in Congress told us that was extremely helpful for them in pitching their legislation to simply cut off funding for the bishops and other religious Left groups.
Well, here we go again. Cut off all funding for them. All of it. Every last dime. Whatever policy of the communists they are pushing, immigration or climate.
So please click on the donate button just below us here, and be the heroes, the impetus in launching another broadside against this corruption. Fight Back! Catholics can’t vote bishops out of office, but we can sure as heaven get their federal and state funds shut down.
So please donate whatever you can. This is a line of attack never before launched against the crooked American hierarchy. We’re going around the insulation they have constructed for themselves within Church circles and blitzing their exposed flank, for which they have zero defense.
Again, please donate to this noble, worthy cause. Who knew, for patriotic Americans, Catholics especially, the bishops are the biggest enemy you never knew you had.
Thank you in advance for your donation.