Congress Going After Catholic Charities — By: Church Militant



I’m Michael Voris coming to you from the nation’s Capitol, where the Catholic bishops’ social justice arm — Catholic Charities — is about to come under intense congressional scrutiny.

For a number of years now, as longtime followers will attest to, Church Militant has been chasing down the story of the U.S. bishops’ Catholic Charities’ undermining of national security by its role in the illegal immigration crisis — up to and including child sex trafficking.

Two years ago, Church Militant went to the Texas–Mexico border and spoke directly with U.S. patriots who pointed the finger squarely at the U.S. bishops as one of the largest provocateurs in this fiasco — owing to the billions the bishops get from D.C. to supposedly help with humanitarian relief.

Well, that information has finally reached the halls of Congress where quite a few members are now demanding answers and an accounting from Catholic Charities on what exactly is going on with the billions they get in taxpayer dollars.

So Church Militant has come directly to D.C. to sit down with various members and see what their inquiry is all about and what questions they want answered by the bishops and their appointees.

One of the sharpest critics of all this is Texas congressman Lance Gooden, who is fed up with the open-borders policy of the Biden administration, the democrats and their allies on the religious left — most especially Catholic Charities.

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